Assets Health Detection

Knowledge Base and FAQ

What do we detect?

For Web3.0 users, various forms of fraud are prevalent, with honeypot assets being one of the most common. Within honeypot assets, attackers employ malicious code or rug-pull functionality to deceive users, resulting in financial losses. Goplus Assets Health Detection leverages the Goplus Security engine to detect a wide range of backdoors, assisting users in mitigating risks.

How to evaluate the result?

Goplus Assets Health Detection examines all valid assets in a user's wallet, conducting comprehensive analysis based on contract source code and behavioral attributes. It aggregates various risks, providing risk alerts and warnings based on severity levels.

What networks we support?

Currently, we only support the Ethereum mainnet, but we will gradually expand our support to include other networks.

What are the next steps after result?

Please exercise caution when dealing with assets that carry high-risk alerts. If you require further information or wish to take action on assets marked as risky, you can visit to access detailed reports for the corresponding assets. It's crucial to treat risk alerts seriously and proceed with actions only after understanding their implications.

How to get more detailed result of the specific token appears in your result?

You can visit to access detailed reports for the corresponding assets.

What are the follow-up plans for Goplus Assets Health Detection Snaps?

We will continue to update Goplus Assets Health Detection Snaps in line with updates to the Snaps interface and specifications, enhancing its usability over time. Currently, as a Beta version, we only support Token asset detection on the Ethereum mainnet. In the future, we plan to support a broader range of risk detection types, including approval safety checks and NFT risk detection. And we also will expand our services to more networks.